WHIDBEY: WhidbeyHealth Hospice services get a new building

Jessie Stensland reports from the Whidbey Island Public Hospital District (WhidbeyHealth) board meeting of Thu., Mar. 21, 2024 for the Whidbey News-Times.
The board of Whidbey Island’s public hospital district voted last week to purchase a 3,100-square-foot building at 101 Northeast Birch Street in Coupeville.
The hospital conducted three appraisals on the property to determine the purchase price of $725,000, according to hospital spokesperson Conor O’Brien. The WhidbeyHealth Hospital Association will fund the majority of the purchase from community donations, including a $600,000 donation from a family of a hospice patient; the use of the money is restricted to the hospice.
In addition, the association is allocating $100,000 of unrestrictive donations to the purchase. The hospital district is picking up the final $25,000, O’Brien said.