COUPEVILLE: The Current – News for November 2023 (PoC)

The Port of Coupeville publishes an electronic newsletter for the community to stay updated on events, news, and projects at both the Coupeville Wharf and Greenbank Farm. Click here to receive future issues as well as important dates and information on upcoming events and meetings. Ed. Note: We reprint those portions of The Current pertinent to the activities of the Port Commission. For the full contents of the current edition of the newsletter, click this link.
From Our Community
Internet for All Virtual Town Hall
The Island County Broadband Action Team will host a virtual town hall to share updates on the effort to bring robust, affordable broadband internet to Island County.
The Island County Broadband Action Team (BAT) is a collaborative of local governments, port districts, anchor institutions, schools, emergency response agencies, libraries, and an incredible group of Internet service providers including Whidbey Telecom, Ziply, Comcast and Astound.
“More than $20 million in federal, state and county investments has been awarded in Island County to expand broadband infrastructure for enhanced internet access,” states Island County Commissioner Janet St. Clair, who is hosting the virtual town hall. “The Island County BAT has been working hard since 2019 to identify critical gaps in our community and build a plan to reach underserved and unserved areas of our islands.”
For more information and/or to sign up for the virtual meeting, please visit:
Port Commissioners Election
The Port of Coupeville has two Board of Commissioners seats up for election in November, 2023.
One candidate is running for District 3: Angela Ewert.
Note: Incumbent Commissioner John Callahan is on the ballot, but announced he is ending his campaign due to health.
There are also two candidates vying for District 1: Marianne Burr and Bradley Duncan.
We will report more on the election results in an upcoming newsletter.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th.
Port of Coupeville News
Coupeville Wharf Pile & Cap Project
Work continues on the Coupeville Wharf Cap & Pile project. This critical work stabilizes the wharf’s foundation into the future.
Phase One is complete, and a forage fish survey was successfully completed. The survey assessed if any forage smelt eggs were present. None were found ,so now the piling jackets will installed.
We expect the whole project to be completed before the end of the year.
You can always find information about this, and other Port projects, on our website – including guidelines that inform our work.
New Port Website Is Live
As we get ready to start a new year, the Port has a new look!
Our team worked hard over the course of 2023 to revise and improve our website, be sure to check it out.
We’ve added more information about the two historic properties we caretake for the community: Greenbank Farm and the Coupeville Wharf.
There’s information on events, commission meetings, business + nonprofit tenants – and more!
Upcoming Events
Port of Coupeville Board Meetings
Zoom Conference Call. For instructions on participating, visit the Port website here:
Public Hearing Port’s 2024 Preliminary Budget Wed, Nov 1, 1:00 p.m.
Tues, Nov 7 — Election Day
Port of Coupeville Commission Meeting — 2024 Budget Wed, Nov 8, 10:00 a.m.
Internet for All Virtual Town Hall Thurs, Nov 9, 5:00 p.m.
Port of Coupeville Commission Meeting — Wed, Nov 22, 1:00 p.m.
Stay updated on all of our upcoming events by checking our events calendar.
On the Ballot in November 2023
Commissioner, Position 1 Bradley Duncan Marianne Burr Incumbent David Day did not file for re-election. |
Commissioner District 3 Angela Ewert John Callahan, the incumbent Callahan announced that he was dropping out the race on Oct. 13, 2023. |