SOUTH WHIDBEY RECORD: Climate Committee convening Thursday

South Whidbey Record

Langley’s newest citizen-led committee will be holding its first meeting this week.

The ad-hoc Climate Action Committee will be convening at 3 p.m. on Sept. 16 via Zoom.

The citizen board dedicated to combating climate change was formed at the request of high school students, who also encouraged the city council to declare a climate emergency.

For the details, see the story by Kira Erickson in the South Whidbey Record.

They Said It

At a city council meeting last week, Councilmember Peter Morton announced that 10 applicants had indicated their interest in being members of the committee… Morton intends to serve as the liaison for the committee for the duration of his term on the city council.

Mayor Scott Chaplin pointed out that one of the members helped co-author a report for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and another helped put together the solar panel project at Greenbank Farm. “It’s very exciting and it’s going to be, I think, a very busy committee,” he said.

On the Ballot in November 2021 – Langley City Councilmembers:

  • Position 1 – Kay Kenneweg vs Harolynne Bobis –Incumbent Christy Korrow not running
  • Position 2 – Rhonda Salerno running unopposed – Incumbent Dominique Emerson not running
  • Position 5 – Tony Gill vs Gail Fleming – Incumbent Peter Morton not running
  • September 14, 2021